Category Archives: General

Doctor Who-a-thon

Hey all. Been watching Doctor Who a lot lately. Especially when I’ve had two days off in a row with katie. We have watched the 9th and 10th Doctor and we are now a few episodes into season 6 with the 11th Doctor. I had already watched them all before. But it’s nice watching them with Katie.

Once we have finished with the current Doctor we are going to start on the Doctor Who Classics starting with the 1st Doctor until the 8th Doctor.

For those interested below is how long it would take to watch each Doctor.

  • 1st – 54h, 24m, 36s
  • 2nd – 47h, 19m, 12s
  • 3rd – 51h, 53m, 8s
  • 4th – 69h, 6m, 4s
  • 5th – 30h, 3s
  • 6th – 17h, 18m, 4s
  • 7th – 17h, 5m, 31s
  • 8th – 1h, 24m, 34s
  • 9th – 9h, 30m, 38s
  • 10th – 38h, 11m, 18s
  • 11th (Up to “Snowmen”) – 26h, 40m, 46s
  • Grand total: 362h, 53m, 54s

As you can see that’s a lot of hours of Doctor Who. 🙂

Day Off

Hey all. Day off today. It’s nice having 2 days off a week, but each week it’s different. Which means I can’t plan anything. But oh well.

This week my two days off have been together which is nice. Had a lovely time with my Fiancée Katie and we have done a bit of cleaning and re-arranging the house.

Looking forward to having a week off next month. Have the 8th to the 14th off for mine and Katie’s going out anniversary. We are going to go out for a meal or make a meal at home. Haven’t decide

New home town

Well it’s been a long time since I posted here. I have now moved to Barrow-in-Furness and loving the place and my new position.

My new house is awesome. 4 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and nice bathroom. Got all my stuff from my old house. My gorgeous fiancee Katie has been sorting out the rooms while I’ve been in work. She is constantly improving each room.

We have one bedroom for ourselfs, one for Nathan one as a guest room and one for the computer room. I’ve setup my server rack and started routing cables. Not put and trunking up yet. But I am making good use of my patch panel.

We have put a single bed in the guest room and have the two seater sofa in there too. So we have room for three guests in there plus we have the main sofa with it’s double sofa bed in the living room so room for 5 guest. Come and visit family 🙂

Katie has made the guest room very nice and continues to

My very first Blog

Hi all. Just thought I would share with you all my very 1st Blog. I will try to update this fairly regular.

This will contain such topics as my everyday life, things I find Awesome that I wish to share, Tech, Linux, Games and what ever else I want to waffle on about.