Tag Archives: Brett

Still Awake

Well it’s 04:30am and I’m still awake. Feeling good though. Moved some furniture around with Katie and Brett. Moved the desk into the bedroom and setup Katie’s Computer. She is happy to be using it again. She has had her laptop but it’s not the same as sitting at a desk with a real keyboard, mouse and a good set of speakers.

Also moved a wardrobe into the spare room/computer room where my brother is currently living. So now he has somewhere to keep his clothes properly. 🙂

It’s always a good feeling getting something done. Especially if it’s something you have been wanting to do for a while.

Visited Nick for a while earlier too. We had a nice chat about Rocket Mass burner which we are both planning on building. I am planning on having a water heating circuit built into mine which will heat a home made hot tub and possibly the central heating system too via heat ex-changers.

Various video rounds on YouTube has led me to this video. I plan to closely follow this idea when I ever get my own place 🙂